The Morgante family pays particular attention to its consumers’ needs, for this reason they constantly work to achieve high quality products. This dedication is put into action by a continuos and careful manufacturing process, with control from the cultivation stage to the final product, in the complete respect of the technical advices and obligations layed down by the national and international existing regulations. Moreover, for the production of the wines, they avail themselves to the advice of the great oenologist Riccardo Cotarella, with whom they plan continuous improvements of the production techniques.

The Morgante Company is situated in Grotte, a small town in the province of Agrigento, found about 21 kilometres from the coast and the Valley of the Temples. The various vines are scattered amongst a charming landscape interspersed with natural hills and small valleys placed at different altitudes varying from 350 to 550 metres above sea level. Thanks to the favouring Mediterranean climatic conditions, the terroir is ideal for viticulture, with a temperature ranging between the day and the night from 10-15 °C, and the particular clayey and calcareous soil. The terroir is fascinating and captivating, not only for its natural scenery, its colours and the peace it diffuses, but also for the history and the tradition that distinguish it.
Nero d'Avola
This variety of vine, is usually called Calabrese,iit is grown almost exclusively in Sicily, a supposition is that the name Calarvisi comes from Calauria, a Greek island, and that it was imported during the Hellenic colonization in Sicily
Adulf leaf: Medium or big (16 – 23 cm)
Bunch: Big and medium size (length 18-27 cm), cylindrical shape, and cylindrical-conical, winged with one or rarely two short wings, frequently with a medium wing. Evident peduncle, woody at the insertion.
Grape: Medium grape (14,6mm) ellipsoid shape, the centre is persistent and prominent; the skin is bloomy, grey bluish colour, thin but hard; the juice is colourless, the pulp is soft, the taste is sugary and a bit tannic; grape seed 2-1 per grape
Vigour: Medium.
Pruning: It’s suitable either for the mixed pruning (guyot) or for the short one (shrub or spur pruned cordon). To prefer the spur pruned cordon for the uniformity of the ripening of the grapes.
Soils: It prefers calcareous untied soils and calcareous clayey medium mixed ones.
Climatic and environment conditions: Medium altitude hills, ventilated and if possible situated at east, south-east.
Resistance to vineyard diseases: Very sensible to oidium. It suffers humidity and rain and humidity during the harvest.
Harvest: From the first week of september until the first half of october.

Our values are at the base of our success, they have stayed true and unaltered in the course of the time. It is also thanks to these values that the unmistakable Morgante’s style is known worldwide. Passion and enthusiasm with which we carry out our daily work. Professionalism and responsibility with which we guarantee the excellence of our products and of the services we offer our customers. Company culture based on trust, mutual respect and team spirit. Integrity, sincerity and consistency lead all our decisions, actions and communications
All the packaging materials purchased, from bottles to packages, are bought from selected suppliers, with whom the Morgante family continually collaborate. This allows to trace the origin of all the raw materials bought and to grant the compliance with the quality standards required
The distribution is carried out through a wide network of selected distributors that place our products in the best wine shops, specialist shops and restaurants of the main cities in Italy and in the rest of the world. Only the purchases made in such sales points, can guarantee the real authenticity and the incomparable quality of the Morgante products.

Social responsability
The Morgante family is fully committed to social responsibility and sustainability. For this reason their business line is environmentally correct and it always guarantees the highest level of health and safety.
We are very sensible and pay attention to the environment protection issues, and we are sure we can secure a better future to the coming generation only with a minimal effort. This is the reason why we take care of the responsible use of the natural resources, from the depuration of the waste water to the recycling of the packages and materials used during the production cycle. We have also designated part of the farm to the preservation and protection of the wildlife.
Health and Safety:
We strongly believe in the inestimable value of human life, therefore our primary aim is the prevention of any workplace accidents. This aim is achieved by a scrupulous respect to the rules laid down for the matter of health and safety, and an appropriate training of all the employees.